Changing climate, changing insurance risk
As climate-related hazards increase in intensity and frequency, communities and insurers can use updated risk maps and models to understand and estimate loss. By Rebecca Owen, Science Writer, @beccapox …
As climate-related hazards increase in intensity and frequency, communities and insurers can use updated risk maps and models to understand and estimate loss. By Rebecca Owen, Science Writer, @beccapox …
Did you know there’s a mineral that may prevent catastrophic earthquakes and sequester CO2 from Earth’s atmosphere? A new study explores this link. By Melissa Scruggs, PhD, @VolcanoDoc …
Improved estimates of earthquake recurrence interval could account for an apparent earthquake hiatus in California. By Rachel Rochester, Ph.D., Science Writer (@RaRaRhapsody) Citation: Rochester, R., 2022, Some California …
A magnitude-5.1 earthquake struck about 19.8 kilometers (12 miles) southeast of San Jose on Tuesday. The Calaveras Fault is the likely source of this temblor. By Meghomita Das, Palomar …
The element of surprise can make earthquakes on subsurface faults especially dangerous. By Laura Fattaruso, Simpson Strong Tie Fellow (@labtalk_laura) Citation: Fattaruso, L., 2022, Hidden faults pose a …
Today marks the anniversary of the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake. Seismologists remember the event when they were students of the earth sciences. By Alka Tripathy-Lang, Ph.D., science writer (@DrAlkaTrip) …
一個利用人工智慧自動偵測和定位地震的新方法。 該系統成功的定位了臺灣最近的地震,並幫助科學家們追蹤正在進行的地震分布。 作者: 郭陳澔博士、孫維芳、黃俊銘、潘勝彥, 國立臺灣大學 Citation: Kuo-Chen, H., Sun, W., Huang, C., Pan, S., 2022, 近即時地震資料處理有助科學家了解地震特性, Temblor, This article is also available in English. 9 …
A new method of automatically detecting and locating earthquakes utilizes artificial intelligence. The system successfully located recent Taiwan earthquakes and could help scientists monitor ongoing events. By Hao Kuo-Chen, …
這次的地震震動程度比2500年回歸週期預期的還要大。前震可能留下了主震即將來臨的預兆。 陳薇安、詹忠翰 (中央大學地震災害鏈風險評估及管理研究中心) Citation: Chen, W., Chan, C., 2022, Taiwan’s double earthquake appears to have launched a ‘killer pulse’ that toppled buildings, Temblor, This article is …
The shaking from the magnitude-6.8 mainshock was larger than expected in 2500 years. The foreshock may have left a seismic warning that another quake was coming. By Wei-An Chen, …
Some brick buildings weathered the devastating 1886 Charleston earthquake. Their secret was an ingenious structural element borrowed from Greek and Roman construction. By Meghomita Das, Palomar Fellow (@meghomita) …
Magnitude-6.5 and 6.9 earthquakes struck Taiwan’s seismically active east coast this week. The risk of more shaking is now elevated. By Shinji Toda, Ph.D., IRIDeS, Tohoku University, and Ross …
Aunque sea poco probable que este cause otro gran terremoto en el futuro cercano, aproximadamente una cuarta parte de la superficie de la falla que causó el terremoto de 1985 …
Though unlikely sufficient to trigger another great earthquake soon, about one-quarter of the fault surface that broke in the 1985 earthquake is now closer to failure. By Ross S. …
El terremoto, que se generó en la costa del Pacifico en México, redistribuyó los esfuerzos en la región. Por Hector Gonzalez-Huizar, Ph.D., Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación …
The earthquake, which struck along Mexico’s Pacific coast, redistributed stress in the region. By Hector Gonzalez-Huizar, Ph.D., Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, Baja California …
On Tuesday, the Bay Area was reminded once again that the faults that dissect the region are active. Local streams record how the region’s faults slowly shape the landscape. …
The quake struck less than an hour after a national earthquake drill. Mexico is prone to strong earthquakes. By Temblor Earthquake News Editors Update Sept 22, 1:49 a.m.: …
Scientists in Oklahoma have unraveled different types of earthquakes that can be hard to see in the squiggles of seismograms that record shaking. By Meghomita Das, Palomar Fellow (@meghomita) …
A segment of the Philippine Fault system is the main suspect for the recent magnitude-7.0 earthquake. But surface ground rupture has not yet been found. Is that the whole story? …
A new report warns that Seattle waterfront and other low-lying areas could be inundated by a tsunami wave within minutes of a Seattle Fault earthquake. By Laura Fattaruso, Simpson …
عوامل متعددی جوامع افغانی را در برابر زلزله ها آسیب پذیر می سازد
هنگامکی یک زلزله به بزرگی ۶.۱ درجه ریشتر در ماه جون افغانستان را تکان داد، آسیب پذیریهای طولانی مدت بشمول موجودیت شکستگیهای فعال منطقوی، ساخت وساز سنتی خانهها و منازل …
ډیری عوامل افغاني ټولنې د زلزلې پر وړاندې زیانمنوي
کله چې د جون په میاشت کې د ریښتر په کچه یوې ۶.۱ درجې زلزلې افغانستان ولړزاوه، اوږدمهاله زیانمنتیاوې لکه د سیمیزو فعالو ماتو (درزونو) شتون، د کورو او استوګنیزو …
When a magnitude-6.1 quake struck Afghanistan in June, long-standing vulnerabilities — including a heavily faulted region, traditional adobe-style construction, and lack of enforceable building codes — were again revealed. …
Just 20 years ago, the discovery of “slow” earthquakes took the field of earthquake hazards by storm. Today, scientists are still hot on the trail for these sneaky quakes. …
After a weekend of intense earthquakes, a spectacular new eruption at Fagradalsfjall volcano in Iceland began Wednesday afternoon. Volcano scientists are keeping a close eye on this eruption, but only …
The Santa Cruz Mountains in Northern California were built slowly over time, new research shows. By Nam Cheah, science writer, Temblor Earthquake News extern Citation: Cheah, N., 2022, …
Three years after InSight’s safe arrival on Mars, the lander picked up several large seismic events on the Red Planet. By Davitia James, Temblor Earthquake News Extern (@davitiaa) …
New research reveals the intensity of British Columbia’s 2020 hazard cascade as members of the Homalco First Nation continue to pick up the pieces. By Lauren A. Koenig, Ph.D., …
A magnitude-5.9 earthquake struck in remote eastern Afghanistan early Wednesday, according to the USGS. The moderate quake caused significant damage to nearby villages. Reports of more than 1,000 fatalities have …
Aftershocks of large earthquakes can be highly destructive. New evidence has emerged of both a shutdown and a persistence of such shocks following megathrust events throughout history. Ross S. …
A new open-source wildfire model could help predict which wildfires will cause the most economic damage across the globe, informing preventative strategies. By Erin Martin-Jones, Ph.D., University of Cambridge …
Scientists imaged hidden fault structures in the Imperial Valley along a canal using techniques typically applied in lakes and oceans. What they found highlights that faults don’t care about human-defined …
To know what happens to a fault during an earthquake, we need to have our eyes on it. A new drilling project gets instruments as close as possible to the …
Archaeological and geological evidence point to 3,800-year-old magnitude-9.5 earthquake and tsunami on the Chilean coast. By Rebecca Owen, Science Writer (@beccapox) Citation: Owen, R., 2022, Ancient Chile quake …
Scientists use noise generated by human activities to determine how the subsidence rate of densely populated Mexico City affects its seismic hazard. By Meghomita Das, McGill University (@meghomita) …
Scientists and a Japanese cell phone provider are working together to measure land movements, with an eye toward locating earthquakes. By Melissa Scruggs, Ph.D. (@VolcanoDoc) Citation: Scruggs, M., …
Balloon-mounted sensors can detect clearer sound waves from explosions, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes than the commonly used ground-based sensors. By Elisabeth Nadin, Ph.D., University of Alaska Fairbanks Citation: …
Geologic dating helped researchers uncover evidence of big earthquakes along the central San Andreas Fault. By Jay Barber, science writer (@JayBarber77) Citation: Barber, J, 2022, A quiet section …
Coastal boulders give scientists an idea of past seismicity in a region, which helps them understand the potential for future earthquakes and tsunamis. By Mizael Ramos Ortiz, B.Sc., Temblor …
By rapidly deploying real time seismic instruments, French researchers improved their understanding of the seismic crisis at Mayotte, an island in the Indian Ocean. By Davitia James, Temblor Earthquake …
The magnitude-6.4 earthquake didn’t damage infrastructure, but it’s the latest to remind us that the Manila trench can generate big quakes near a populous metropolis. By Mario Aurelio, Sandra …
玉里地震的特性與過去的地震活動相近,而未來鄰近區域有發生大地震的可能性。 陳薇安、高若甄、詹忠翰 (中央大學地震災害鏈風險評估及管理研究中心) 引文: Chen, W., Kao J., Chan C., 2022, Magnitude-6.6 earthquake warns east-central Taiwan of shaking potential, Temblor, This article is also available in …
The pattern of recent earthquakes in the area indicated this event was likely, and an even larger quake is possible in the future. By Wei-An Chen, B.S., Jo-Chen Kao, …
Understanding how earthquakes occur near fracking wells can help scientists make energy production safer. By Lena Beck, @LenaJLBeck Citation: Beck, L., 2022, New fracking-generated earthquakes discovered, Temblor, …
3月16日深夜に東北地方を襲い東京に停電をもたらしたマグニチュード7.3の地震は,2011年東北沖地震の余震活動の1つとみられる 遠田晋次(東北大学災害科学国際研究所) ロス スタイン(テンブラー社) Citation: Toda, S., Stein, R., 2022, ‘Triplet’ earthquakes strike near Tohoku, Japan, but a rupture gap remains, Temblor, This article is also …
Wednesday’s magnitude-7.3 quake, which shook large parts of Honshu and knocked out power to Tokyo, is the latest in a series of large aftershocks from the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. …
Le réseau sismologique national d’Haïti était hors service lors du tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,2 survenu en 2021, mais un réseau de sismomètres peu coûteux hébergés par des citoyens …
Haiti’s national seismometer network was down during the 2021 magnitude-7.2 earthquake, but a collection of low-cost citizen-hosted seismometers filled in. By Eric Calais, Ph.D., Ecole normale supérieure, and co-authors …
Densely spaced seismic monitoring stations and a ready-made alerting system allow warnings to be issued within seconds of an earthquake larger than magnitude-4.5. By Elisabeth Nadin, University of Alaska …
Tonga’s underwater eruption hints at need for more seismic stations near such active, submarine volcanoes located near populated parts of the Pacific. By Lise Retailleau, Ph.D., Observatoire Volcanologique du …
To run, or to drop, cover and hold on. That is the question, argues earthquake geologist and Pacific Northwest resident, Chris Goldfinger. By Chris Goldfinger, Ph.D., Oregon State University …
A deep dive into Portugal’s 1930 deadly tsunami reveals how ocean depth affects tsunamis triggered by landslides. By Lauren A. Koenig, Ph.D., Science Writer (@Lauren_A_Koenig) Citation: Koenig, L., …
Gempa mengguncang sebagian Sumatra dan Malaysia, menyababkan kerusakan dan korban jiwa. Oleh: Anne Sirait, Ph.D., Program Studi Geofisika, Universitas Indonesia, Dr. Daryono, BMKG Kutipan: Sirait, A., Daryono, 2022, …
The earthquake shook parts of Sumatra and Malaysia. Some damage and casualties were reported. By Anne Sirait, Ph.D, Department of Geophysics, University of Indonesia, Dr. Daryono Indonesian Agency for …
Exposure to multiple disasters leaves people “worse for wear,” lowering mental health scores. By Ashley Balzer, Science Writer (@AshleyBVigil) Citation: Balzer, A., 2022, The Human Element: Study Shows …
Early signals of a coming tsunami hide in Earth’s magnetic field, according to new research. By Krystal Vasquez, Science Writer (@caffeinatedkrys) Citation: Vasquez, K., 2022, An earlier tsunami …
Gempa bermagnitude 6,6 mengguncang Jawa di pertengahan Januari, menyebabkan guncangan, tanpa tsunami. Oleh Anne Sirait, Ph.D., Program Studi Geofisika, Universitas Indonesia Citation: Sirait, A., 2022, Intraslab earthquake shakes …
A magnitude-6.6 earthquake rattled Java in mid-January, causing shaking, but no tsunami. By Anne Sirait, Ph.D., Department of Geophysics, University of Indonesia Citation: Sirait, A., 2022, Intraslab earthquake …
With the threat of a large earthquake and tsunami looming, the Shoalwater Bay Tribe is constructing the first tsunami tower in North America. By Rebecca Owen, Science Writer (@beccapox) …
The San Andreas and the San Jacinto faults have simultaneously ruptured in at least three earthquakes over the past 2000 years. By Alba M. Rodriguez Padilla, Ph.D. candidate, UC …
1 月 3 日台灣東部外海規模 6.0 的地震撼動了台北市區,但靠近震央的城市只有感覺到輕微的震動。 陳薇安、詹忠翰 (中央大學地震災害鏈風險評估及管理研究中心) Citation: Chen, W., Chan, C., 2022, Northern Taiwan starts the new year with a jolt, Temblor, This article …
An offshore magnitude-6.0 earthquake on January 3 rattled the Taipei metropolitan area, but cities closer to the epicenter felt only light shaking. By Wei-An Chen, B.S., and Chung-Han Chan, …
Some buildings sway more than others in an earthquake. Scientists are exploring how to integrate this variation into Earthquake Early Warning systems. By Jeng Hann Chong, University of New …
Footage from the 2018 Anchorage earthquake shows that people react differently in public and private spaces. By Davitia James, Temblor Earthquake News Extern (@davitiaa) Citation: James, D., 2022, …
Questions remain about the cause of the eruption and subsequent tsunami, which damaged nearby islands in Tonga. By Marie Edmonds, Ph.D., University of Cambridge Citation: Edmonds, M., 2022, …
最近的6.6级地震发生在青藏高原东北缘。研究发现这次地震增加了未来在附近发生大地震的可能性。 By 彭志刚(佐治亚理工学院地球与大气科学学院)刘静(天津大学地球系统科学学院)邓阳凡(中国科学院深地科学卓越中心); 远田静次(日本东北大学国际灾害科学研究所) 引用:Peng, Z., Liu-Zeng, J., Deng, Y., Toda, S., 2022, Strong earthquake increases seismic hazard in Qinghai, China, Temblor, This article is also …
The magnitude-6.6 quake struck near the northeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau. An analysis shows that nearby sections are now closer to failure. By Zhigang Peng, Ph.D., School of …
Climate change is to blame, but targeted and poorly executed planning decisions mean that half of U.S. buildings lie in natural hazard “hot spots.” By Meghan Zulian, University of …
By studying sedimentary layers beneath a lake in Indonesia, researchers developed a new technique that can date earthquake doublets within the hour. By Lauren Koenig, Ph.D., Science Writer (@Lauren_A_Koenig) …
Faults can appear at the surface as simple, straight features, but deep below ground they can be complex, and their hidden geometry can play in a role in their hazard. …
Stress in Earth’s crust affects how faults move and rocks break. Researchers developed a novel way to measure stress using a different type of data. By Fionna M.D. Samuels, …
Is this an unusually productive aftershock sequence, or could these quakes prove to be foreshocks of a larger event that has yet to strike? By Mario Aurelio, Director of …
In a series of public education programs and workshops, researchers in Canada are engaging with communities and other stakeholders to develop an earthquake early warning system. By Meghomita Das, …
More than a century after a magnitude-8+ earthquake struck in India, researchers have identified the epicenter of the massive quake. By Davitia James, Temblor Earthquake News Extern (@davitiaa) …
The Pacific Northwest was jolted into the spotlight on Wednesday, when a series of strong earthquakes off the Oregon coast awakened fears of a big one. By Jochen Braunmiller, …
After a strong earthquake struck Puerto Rico in 2020, a group of students quickly designed, programmed and installed a small seismic network to record aftershocks. By Elisabeth Nadin, University …
El 7 de septiembre del 2021 ocurrió un fuerte terremoto cerca de Acapulco, México. El terremoto pudo haber incrementado la posibilidad de que ocurra un gran terremoto en la Brecha …
A new study analyzes what is the best advice to give people when an earthquake strikes. The answer depends on where you are among other things, but for the U.S. …
A recent high-density seismic survey illuminated the previously unmapped fault and highlighted the challenge of determining earthquake hazard in the Los Angeles Basin. By Dan Gish and Steve Boljen, …
On September 7, 2021, a strong earthquake struck near Acapulco, Mexico. The earthquake may have increased the likelihood of a larger magnitude earthquake within the Guerrero Seismic Gap. By …
A new study focused on New Zealand’s capital city considers why some homeowners do not take preventative measures to strengthen their property against earthquakes. By Davitia James, Temblor Earthquake …
Since 2008, the Great ShakeOut earthquake drills remind people to protect themselves in an earthquake. The annual drill falls around the anniversary of a historic Bay Area shock — the …
On October 10, 2021, a magnitude-6.2 earthquake near the southern coast of the Big Island shook residents and visitors across the state of Hawaiʻi. By Liliane M.L. Burkhard, Lauren …
A scientific agency has pled not guilty to charges stemming from the 2019 White Island/Whakaari volcano disaster. Should scientists be held accountable for insufficiently conveying the risk of an impending …
A new study demonstrates how increasing fluid pressure and crystal size affects subduction zone earthquakes. By Davitia James, Temblor Earthquake News Extern (@davitiaa) Citation: James, D., 2021, Fluids …
Ang pagyanig ng Lunes, ang pangatlong katamtamang lindol sa loob ng siyam na linggo, ay naganap kung saan nabawasan ang stress pagkatapos ng isang malakas na lindol noong Hulyo. Nais …
Following the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan, buildings were found precariously balanced on a slope. New modeling shows how to better plan for such damage. By Judith Hubbard, Ph.D. …
Monday’s tremor, the third moderate earthquake in nine weeks, occurred where stress had decreased after a strong earthquake in July. Researchers want to know why. By Mario Aurelio, Director …
The largest earthquake in Victoria in at least two centuries rattled buildings across Melbourne, but some were damaged more than others. By Mark Leonard, Ph.D., Leonard Seismic Consulting …
Southern California’s commuter rail system pilots a new technology to reduce train speed in advance of earthquake shaking. By Lauren Koenig (@Lauren_A_Koenig) Citation: Koenig, L., 2021, ShakeAlert puts …
Like a tree falling in the forest, if there is no one around to feel it, then an earthquake goes unnoticed. That doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. By Caroline …
The magnitude-5.9 earthquake reminded residents that Victoria is active — geologically speaking — but identifying the fault responsible is complicated. By Dee Ninis, Ph.D. (@DeeNinis) and Elodie Borleis, B.Sc. …
Seismologists and anthropologists identified some of the earliest written records of earthquakes in the Americas in ancient documents. By Meghomita Das, Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, McGill University, …
Utilizando redes de teléfonos inteligentes, científicos están probando un nuevo y económico sistema de alerta temprana de terremotos para áreas con alta población y recursos limitados. Por Meghomita Das, …
Although policymakers acknowledge the importance of local knowledge in disaster risk reduction, implemented strategies may leave locals feeling ignored. By Fionna M.D. Samuels, Temblor Earthquake News Extern, (@Fairy__Hedgehog) …
Data collected in downtown Salt Lake City reveal active faults that interact at depth. The finding may mean the faults pose a greater hazard than previously thought. By Kaelie …
Geothermal energy production, considered a clean source of power, might help stabilize an otherwise active fault system. By Meghan Zulian, University of California, Davis, Temblor science writing extern (@MeghanZulian) …
Aftershocks of the multiple large-magnitude earthquakes that occurred recently in the South Sandwich Islands suggest shallow rupture to the trench. By Judith Hubbard, Ph.D., Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang …
Using smartphone networks, scientists are testing new low-cost efficient earthquake early warning system for areas with large populations and limited resources. By Meghomita Das, Department of Earth & Planetary …
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