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A M 5.0 earthquake occurred today near the town of Padangsidempuan, Indonesia. Sumatra is transected by the right-lateral Sumatran fault system. Today’s quake occurred within a tectonically complex region between the Barumun and Angkola segments.

M 5.0 quake in Indonesia

  A M 5.0 earthquake occurred today near the town of Padangsidempuan, Indonesia. Sumatra is transected by the right-lateral Sumatran fault system. Today’s quake occurred within a tectonically complex region …

图二。卡特里娜飓风幸存者在2005年从新奥尔良撤离后,在休斯敦天文馆躲藏。像卡特里娜飓风这样的灾难揭示了有钱人和没有钱的人之间的差异,并对不同阶层产生了不同的影响。 像冠状病毒这样的大流行也对不同阶层的产生了不同程度的影响。 图片来源:Andrea Booher / FEMA


英文链接 英文作者:John C. Mutter博士 哥伦比亚大学地球与环境科学教授以及国际与公共事务教授 英文发表时间:2020年4月1日 翻译:google translate (谷歌翻译) 后期修改: 彭志刚(Zhigang Peng)博士 佐治亚理工地球与大气系教授   考虑到地球自然灾害的发生频率,以及冠状病毒大流行的持续时间,我们几乎无法避免它们同时发生。试想,当某地的疫情已经失控时,突然又发生一次大地震或者大风暴,这时我们该怎么办呢?   英文引用 :Mutter, J.C., (2020), What if? What if a natural disaster strikes amid a …

A sightseeing boat hurled onto a two-story building at Otsuchi, Iwate prefecture, by the 2011 Tohoku tsunami. This means that the tsunami barrier, visible at left, was overtopped by at least 10 m (33 ft).

Opinion: Fate and denial: The Fukushima reactor 3, and the L’Aquila earthquake 7

The recent acquittal of the TEPCO executives in the Fukushima power plant tragedy hearkens back to the trial of the Italian seismologists who were charged with negligence after the L’Aquila, Italy, earthquakes. Both events raise the question: How much do you prepare for the most dreadful disasters, which result from truly large or rare paroxysms of the Earth?