Temblor screen with ‘Earthquake Forecast’ layer clicked, showing that earthquakes of M=7.7 are rare at this location; they occur at a rate of about 0.2% per year. In contrast, 500 km to the north, near Los Angeles, Chile, today’s quake would be much more common.

Temblor screen with ‘Earthquake Forecast’ layer clicked, showing that earthquakes of M=7.7 are rare at this location; they occur at a rate of about 0.2% per year. In contrast, 500 km to the north, near Los Angeles, Chile, today’s quake would be much more common.

Temblor screen with ‘Earthquake Forecast’ layer clicked, showing that earthquakes of M=7.7 are rare at this location; they occur at a rate of about 0.2% per year. In contrast, 500 km to the north, near Los Angeles, Chile, today’s quake would be much more common.