Figure 8. Calculated Coulomb stress and dilation imparted by the magnitude 7.1 Miyazaki earthquake suggests that onshore right-lateral shocks (top panel), offshore thrust faults (middle panel), and Kirishma volcano (bottom panel) could be sites of increased seismicity in the days and months ahead. Calculations made in Coulomb 3.4 ( Credit: Temblor, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Figure 8. Calculated Coulomb stress and dilation imparted by the magnitude 7.1 Miyazaki earthquake suggests that onshore right-lateral shocks (top panel), offshore thrust faults (middle panel), and Kirishma volcano (bottom panel) could be sites of increased seismicity in the days and months ahead. Calculations made in Coulomb 3.4 ( Credit: Temblor, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Figure 8. Calculated Coulomb stress and dilation imparted by the magnitude 7.1 Miyazaki earthquake suggests that onshore right-lateral shocks (top panel), offshore thrust faults (middle panel), and Kirishma volcano (bottom panel) could be sites of increased seismicity in the days and months ahead. Calculations made in Coulomb 3.4 ( Credit: Temblor, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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