A company at the heart of San Francisco
About the Company
We are a Construction based company that our primary focus is with retrofitting of structures from residential homes to apartment buildings and also commercial structures. Apart from the financial rewards that come with having a successful business we pride ourselves in knowing that the work we do may one day save lives and that is a truly rewarding feeling to myself and everyone involved with our company.
We are one of the first companies in the City to have worked with Simpson strong wall systems and our company is one of the pioneers of the new San Francisco soft story ordinance. Providing a full package for our clients needs.
Why use us?
• Looking for a company you can trust?
• What about a company that can deliver on time?
• Maybe with decades of experience?
• Everybody loves a friendly approach.
• Finally, a company that is San Francisco based and cares about making it a safer city.
Then San Francisco Earthquake Retrofitting is your best choice
Trust is the single most important aspect our professional team brings to the table. Over the years, our team has established client-contractor relationships that continue to last beyond project completion. These relationships and our team’s three basic principals, People-Process-Product, have been instrumental in project execution and in establishing future connections with potential clients.



Let us be your foundation
Contact Us
Direct: (415) 935-9362
Email: info@bequakereadysf.com
Hours: Mon – Friday: 8am – 6pm
ډیری عوامل افغاني ټولنې د زلزلې پر وړاندې زیانمنوي
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