By David Jacobson, Temblor
Follow aftershocks in New Zealand on Temblor

After the 14 November 2016 M=7.8 Kaikoura, New Zealand earthquake, researchers all over the globe started compiling data and headed out into the field to give people a better idea of what happened. While a lot of information has already come out, we are now benefiting even more from the fruits of their labor.
Just today, researchers at GNS Science in New Zealand released incredible footage of the Kekerengu Fault and Papatea faults
CLICK HERE to see the Kekerengu Fault rupture
The Kekerengu Fault, which helps make up the Marlborough Fault System in the northeastern portion of New Zealand’s South Island experienced as much as 10 m of lateral offset, and 2 m of vertical offset. This was the most of any of the six faults that ruptured in the earthquake. The video above shows only a portion of the 30 km section that that ruptured.
The Papatea Fault, which cuts through Waipapa Bay north of Kaikoura also showed dramatic surface expression as it raised the shore platform by nearly 6 m creating a small lagoon, and left the road and railroad tracks completely displaced. This footage can be seen below.
CLICK HERE to see the Papatea Fault rupture
These videos reveal the shear amount of energy released in the Kaikoura Earthquake. The 2+ minutes of shaking clearly took its toll on the country, which now must clean up and rebuild.
GNS Science
One News
14 November 2016 Mw=7.8 New Zealand earthquake shows an uncanny resemblance to the 2015 Nepal shock
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