
Cross section of seismicity (black dots) beneath Tokyo, which sits in the middle of the Kanto Plain. The Pacific plate (PAC) subducts beneath the Eurasian plate (EUR). We believe that a fragment of the Pacific plate is wedged between the underlying Pacific slab and the overlying Eurasia. Many small and some destructive earthquakes have occurred along the surfaces of the fragment. From Toda et al. (2008).

Cross section of seismicity (black dots) beneath Tokyo, which sits in the middle of the Kanto Plain. The Pacific plate (PAC) subducts beneath the Eurasian plate (EUR). We believe that a fragment of the Pacific plate is wedged between the underlying Pacific slab and the overlying Eurasia. Many small and some destructive earthquakes have occurred along the surfaces of the fragment. From Toda et al. (2008).

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