A map of alert delivery times for the September 2020 magnitude-4.5 El Monte event, within 30 seconds of ShakeAlert producing its first alert. The initial alerting radius is marked by the red circle. The largest estimate, shown as a yellow circle, occurred 7.7 seconds after the initial. Credit: Patel and Allen, 2022

A map of alert delivery times for the September 2020 magnitude-4.5 El Monte event, within 30 seconds of ShakeAlert producing its first alert. The initial alerting radius is marked by the red circle. The largest estimate, shown as a yellow circle, occurred 7.7 seconds after the initial. Credit: Patel and Allen, 2022

A map of alert delivery times for the September 2020 magnitude-4.5 El Monte event, within 30 seconds of ShakeAlert producing its first alert. The initial alerting radius is marked by the red circle. The largest estimate, shown as a yellow circle, occurred 7.7 seconds after the initial. Credit: Patel and Allen, 2022

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