Here are two frames from an animation by Tanya Atwater, Professor Emeritus at U.C. Santa Barbara. The 13 May M=3.5 quake is one small step along the road to a vast transformation of the Pacific-North America plate boundary. Eventually, all of California will be head north toward Alaska, rather than only today’s coastal sliver of liberals. See

Here are two frames from an animation by Tanya Atwater, Professor Emeritus at U.C. Santa Barbara. The 13 May M=3.5 quake is one small step along the road to a vast transformation of the Pacific-North America plate boundary. Eventually, all of California will be head north toward Alaska, rather than only today’s coastal sliver of liberals. See

Here are two frames from an animation by Tanya Atwater, Professor Emeritus at U.C. Santa Barbara. The 13 May M=3.5 quake is one small step along the road to a vast transformation of the Pacific-North America plate boundary. Eventually, all of California will be head north toward Alaska, rather than only today’s coastal sliver of liberals. See