
Interseismic coupling distribution of the Aleutian trench outboard of the Alaska Peninsula from Drooff & Freymueller (2021). Blue colors represent a weakly coupled plate interface that slides frequently in small-magnitude earthquakes. Red colors represent a strongly coupled plate interface with potential for rupture in large-magnitude earthquakes. Segmented patches are numbered from east to west. Hypocenters (where an earthquake nucleates) and early aftershock sequences of the July 22, 2020, magnitude-7.8 Simeonof earthquake and July 29, 2021, magnitude-8.2 Chignik earthquake are shown as gray and white circles, respectively, with circle size scaling by earthquake magnitude. The earthquake rupture patch of the Simeonof earthquake from Xiao et al. (2021, in review) is shown as magenta contours, with each line representing a contour interval of 0.5 meters of slip. The Aleutian trench is shown as a dashed black line. The rupture area of the 1964 magnitude-9.2 Great Alaska earthquake outlined in black. Credit: Connor Drooff

Interseismic coupling distribution of the Aleutian trench outboard of the Alaska Peninsula from Drooff & Freymueller (2021). Blue colors represent a weakly coupled plate interface that slides frequently in small-magnitude earthquakes. Red colors represent a strongly coupled plate interface with potential for rupture in large-magnitude earthquakes. Segmented patches are numbered from east to west. Hypocenters (where an earthquake nucleates) and early aftershock sequences of the July 22, 2020, magnitude-7.8 Simeonof earthquake and July 29, 2021, magnitude-8.2 Chignik earthquake are shown as gray and white circles, respectively, with circle size scaling by earthquake magnitude. The earthquake rupture patch of the Simeonof earthquake from Xiao et al. (2021, in review) is shown as magenta contours, with each line representing a contour interval of 0.5 meters of slip. The Aleutian trench is shown as a dashed black line. The rupture area of the 1964 magnitude-9.2 Great Alaska earthquake outlined in black. Credit: Connor Drooff

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